At a time when most people thought about automation as pure science fiction, Carlo Gavazzi was a man who saw a future for it. The company's history is a fascinating tale of invention. Today, Carlo Gavazzi's products are used in a wide range of cutting-edge, high-tech goods and procedures anywhere in the world.
- Cables-quick disconnect
- Capacitive sensors
- inductive sensors
- Level sensors
- Photoelectric sensors
- Safety modules
- Sensors with IO-link
- Ultrasonic sensors

- Contactors, overloads and breakers
- Limit and safety switches
- Power supplies
- Pushbuttons and switches
- Relays-mechanical
- Soft starters/drives
- Solid state relays

- Current transformers
- Current/voltage/phase
- Digital panel meters
- Duppline
- Energy meters
- Timers