GAM is a U.S. company and your one-stop shop for precision mechanical drive solutions utilized in automation technologies, including robotic and servo gear reducers, rack and pinion systems, servo couplings, linear mounting kits, and other products. They are a manufacturer of precision mechanical drive components and motion control systems, and can offer the ideal solution for your application because of the range of products they offer.
Zero-Backlash Robotic Gearboxes and Gear Reducers
One of the broadest product portfolios in the market for robotic gearboxes and servo gear reducers, rack and pinion, linear mount devices, couplings, and other specialty mechanical drive solutions. GAM has the components to fulfill your application needs, whether you need a smooth path movement, a zero-backlash gearbox, or you're creating your own Cartesian robotic system.

Servo Gearboxes
- GAM inline and right angle gearboxes, with helical, hypoid, or planetary gearing, are available in many sizes and multiple configurations.
- Flexible manufacturing capabilities, GAM can customize our gearboxes to your specific application.
- GAM’s design engineers will collaborate with your design engineers for a customized, cost-effective, and high-performance solution.

EPL Series Inline Planetary Gear Reducers
The GAM EPL inline planetary gear reducers are widely known as the best value on the market because it offers the best quality available for the price point.
- Modular construction for many output shaft variations
- Easily modified or customized for specific applications
- Includes motor mounting plate for your specific motor

EPR Series right angle planetary gear reducers
The EPR Series Right Angle Bevel Planetary Gearbox provides all the advantages of the popular EPL inline gearbox in a right angle configuration.
The EPR offers the best quality available for the price point with features unequaled in its class.
- Easy to configure with 5 outputs matching the EPL Series
- 30,000 hours of service life for most models
- Ratios from 3:1 to 1000:1
- Ready to mount to your motor

SSP Series Stainless Steel Inline Planetary Gear Reducers
Ideal for any light or demanding servo application where corrosion resistance is a requirement, the SSP Series offers economy, high precision, and long-lasting performance.
- Frame sizes from 70 to 120 mm
- Ratios from 3:1 to 100:1
- All stainless steel exposed surfaces
- Food grade grease

Dyna-Lite Right Angle Hypoid Gear Reducers
The hypoid gearing used in Dyna-Lite Series Right Angle Gearboxes combines the high efficiency of bevel gearing with the benefits of worm gearing in terms of space and configuration.
- Ratios up to 15:1 in a single stage and 150:1 in two stages
- High efficiency – 96%
- Standard backlash < 6 arcmin
- Back drivable
- High radial loading capacity
- Drop-in replacement for many right-angle and in-line planetary gear reducers.

PE Series Inline Planetary Gear Reducers
For the majority of servo and stepper applications, the GAM PE series inline planetary gearbox offers excellent value. It provides the highest quality for the pricing range. When radial and axial loadings are kept at a minimum, the PE offers a dependable alternative based on the design of the EPL.
- Metric output (4 sizes)
- NEMA output (4 sizes)
- Wide range of ratios (3:1 to 1000:1)

PER Right Angle Planetary Gear Reducers
The PER right angle bevel planetary gearbox is a valuable alternative to the EPR when radial or axial loadings are minimized.
- PER-W with a metric output
- PER-N with a NEMA output
- Ratios from 3:1 to 1000:1
- Ready to mount to your motor